Disputed Copper-Silver Royalty
*The Following is a Work in Progress*
Current Update:
Minera Portree (MPZ) lawyers have filed to start the final arguments stage to invalidate Capstone’s contract to transfer the 2% NSR to itself without proper payment to its owner. A Zacatecas court judgment to properly recognize the 2% NSR on the Portree claims which are part of the Cozamin mine is expected in 2025. In order to provide shareholders with a better understanding of the background and progress on the dispute with Capstone’s Cozamin mine, the company is compiling a history of the Parroquia/Portree claims, well known estimates of the potential resource, the establishment of the 2% NSR in 2002, its partial acquisition in 2019 by RI, the attempt by Capstone management and Raul Gonzalez to transfer the 2% NSR without the knowledge or approval of its owner, MPZ, the filing of the commercial and criminal lawsuits in 2021, the depositions and the failed court ordered site inspection in 2023, the inconsistent and contradictory statements of Capstone’s lawyers, etc.
Capstone's Cozamin Mine - With Claims
Capstone's Cozamin Mine - With Claims & Veins
Lawsuit Timeline
Royalties Inc.'s Contested 2% NSR
- 1999 -
Photo of High Grade Copper
- 2004 -
Capstone Signed Options Agreement with Minera Portree
PR: Capstone Drills Portree
Capstone drills a test hole on Portree and has no corresponding report
- 2006 -
Capstone Cozamin Goes into Production
POA Agreement with Raul Gonzalez
- 2017 -
Capstone Buys Raul Gonzalez Mining Claims
PR Capstone Starts Mining Portree
The button below has the PDF attached showing capstone press release. It is mentioned on page 6 of their MD&A that they have started mining the Portree claim
Excerpt on Page 6:
Cozamin: Doubling the Mine Life The 2019/2020 infill drilling program is progressing well and is approximately two months ahead of schedule, allowing flexibility to add more holes than originally planned. The drill program is aiming to upgrade Inferred Mineral Resources to Indicated category and subsequent conversion to Mineral Reserves to support doubling the mine life. Positive drill results pointing to higher grades and wider intercepts than in the current Mineral Reserve were released on November 5, 2019, December 2, 2019 and January 16, 2020. Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates are expected to be updated in late 2020.
During Q4 2019, Cozamin started drilling into the Portree claimblock (“Portree”) it acquired earlier in the year. Prior to this, Portree was an untested inlier within Cozamin’s land position covering the Mala Noche Footwall Zone (“MNFWZ”) area. Portree is surrounded by high grade Inferred Mineral Resources that future drilling is expected to increase to Indicated categorization. Mining has already started within the newly acquired Portree claim.
- 2020 -
Capstone PR on Drill Results at Cozamin
- 2020 -
Xtierra and Minera Portree send Letter to Capstone
Minera Portree hires litigators
Minera Portree hires litigators in Zacatecas litigators
- 2022 -
Resource Maps On Cozamin
- 2022 -
Lien put on Cozamin Mine
Picture/Video of Failed Capstone Cozamin Inspection - Took Judge on a Tour without going to the royalty claims

- 2024 -
Gold Royalty Corp Cozamin US$7.5m Royalty Acquisition
- 2024 -
Production Reports On Portree
- 2024 -
Royalties Inc's Valuation on Claims
- 1994 -
Parroquia Mine Resource Estimate
- 2002 -
Registration of Royalty
Signed Options Agreement
- 2005 -
Capstone Drills one hole into Portree 5
- 2010 -
Minera Portree signs POA with Raul Gonzalez
PR Capstone Buys Mining Claims
The button below has the PDF attached showing the original option agreement with capstone.